Vision Statement
OIS is a leading, innovative, learning community that inspires creative, confident learners to grow to their best potential in a safe and positive environment.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower all students with the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to succeed as responsible life-long learners equipped with essential 21st century skills.
School Beliefs
- Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
- Student learning is the chief priority for the school.
- A student’s self-esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff.
- A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning.
- Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.
- Curriculum and instructional practices should incorporate a variety of learning activities to accommodate differences in learning styles.
- Technology is a critical learning tool essential for future success in our global society.
- Teachers, parents/guardians and community are partners in understanding andeducating every student.
School Wide Expectations
Academic Expectations:
Students will be able to:
- Communicate effectively in writing and speaking for a variety of purposes.
- Reason effectively, think critically and solve problems.
- Utilize real-world digital and other technology effectively.
Social and Civic Expectations:
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate respect for self, others, and our environment.
- Take responsibility for their behavior and education.
- Accept the consequences of their actions.
- Abide by school rules, societal boundaries and the regulations of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education.
- Attend school regularly and participate in their education.
- Develop an awareness of diverse cultures, societies and ways of life.